Caselex for Law Firms
The winning edge to getting the deal in and through
Facts and Figures
- More than 5.000 competition lawyers, from over 100 law firms and competition authorities, across all continents have relied on Caselex
- Conducting over 240.000 searches per year and exploring more than 200.000 market definitions
- Facilitating over 10.000 transactions notified across Europe
Optimise your business
- Have a synoptic picture of Competition Authorities’ practice enhancing predictability
- Set a fact-based strategy in the initial stages of the deal, assessing areas of risks and expected throughput time
- Optimise and synchronise international transactions
Improve your processes
- Minimise uncertainty by relying on the latest and most relevant precedents
- Get to market definitions instantly and invest your valuable time to analyse your findings and build your case
- Present your points of argument in a convincing manner, inspired by Competition Authorities’ decisional practice

Merger control and antitrust decisions - at your fingertips
Unique market definitions -
Undertakings and their subsidiaries -