Market Definitions Module

Laptop Mock-up of the Searchbar and Homescreen of Caselex' Market Definitions Module

Market Definitions Module

Access, identify, and understand market definitions drawn from merger control and antitrust decisions of 63 Competition Authorities, across Europe, North America, Asia, Latin America, Africa, and Oceania.

Our database includes over 72.000 market definitions, from more than 24.000 merger control and antitrust decisions, over the last 23 years.

A one-stop shop for merger control and antitrust decisions and English translations of market definitions

Our platform highlights links between transactions, investigation phases and undertakings – available nowhere else

State-of-the-art functionalities, including Boolean search operators, linking, sharing and annotating


Producing our content we do not rely on algorithms. We rely on people.

1 Dig & Find

We continuously dig into the websites of Competition Authorities to identify merger control decisions delivered across four continents

2 Select & Craft

Our output is genuine craftsmanship: we carefully and mindfully translate market definitions into English to ensure pristine content

3 Check & Control

All our content is meticulously checked for accuracy and consistency by professional proof-readers

4 Linking & Enriching

Each summary is then enriched and linked, establishing an unprecedented and constantly expanding cloud of merger control information

5a Publication on our platform

Access to our platform offers full insight on market definitions, translated into English

5b Lexpress Newsletter

Our weekly Lexpress keeps you updated on merger control decisions delivered across four continents

5c Live support

Through our live chat our team is always just a click away