The European Commission – DG Competition cleared an acquisition by Vattenfall GmbH and Engie Beteiligungs-GmbH of joint control of Gasag Berliner Gaswerke AG in the markets for (i) gas storage, (ii) wholesale of natural gas, (iii) gas transmission network services, (iv) gas distribution network services, (v) supply of gas to industries and gas power plants, (vi) basic supply of gas to households and small businesses, (vii) special contract supply of gas to households and small businesses, (viii) wholesale supply of electricity, (ix) electricity distribution networks, (x) supply of electricity to large industries, (xi) basic supply of electricity to households and small businesses, (xii) special contract supply of electricity to households and small businesses, (xiii) supply of district heating and (xiv) heating contracting.

Engineering working on High-voltage tower, Check the information on paper.