Caselex spotlight
Kofola ČeskoSlovensko a.s. | Ondrášovka a.s.
Consumer Goods & Retail
11 March 2020
The Czech Office for the Protection of Competition cleared an acquisition by Kofola ČeskoSlovensko a.s. of Ondrášovka a.s. in the markets for (i) the production and wholesale of branded bottled unflavoured waters distributed through an on-trade sales channel, (ii) the production and wholesale of branded bottled unflavoured waters distributed through an off-trade channel, (iii) the production and wholesale of branded energy drinks distributed through the on-trade sales channel, (iv) the production and wholesale of branded cola drinks distributed through the on-trade sales channel, (v) the production and wholesale of branded tonics distributed through an on-trade sales channel, (vi) the production and wholesale of branded OCSD beverages distributed through an on-trade sales channel, (vii) the production and wholesale of branded bottled flavored waters distributed through an off-trade sales channel and (viii) the production and wholesale of branded syrups distributed through an off-trade sales channel.
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